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University Writing Center (407) 823-2197
Sample Argument Outline
The following is a basic outline of an argument essay. Keep in mind that this is only one kind of
possible organization; there are several ways to structure an effective argument. Outlines can also
vary in the amount of detail. Always check with your instructor if you are unsure about the
organization of your essay. (Disclaimer: the following argument is used as an example and is not
intended to represent the views of the UWC.)
Introductory Section
Thesis (claim and reason): The American government should lift economic sanctions against
Iraq, because this policy does more harm than good for both countries.
Body Sections
Section I
Claim: The sanctions have not accomplished their goal.
Evidence: logical appeal (facts, expert authority)
Saddam Hussein is still in power
other dictators have withstood sanctions (Fidel Castro)
Section II
Claim: Rather than hurting Saddam, the sanctions only make life worse for the common people of
Evidence: logical appeal (statistics), ethical appeal (fair, humane), emotional appeal
goes against American ideals of helping other people
thousands of Iraqi children die each month sanctions continue
restrictions on medicine and food hurt the poorest people first
Section III
Claim: Lifting sanctions would benefit the American economy by increasing oil production
Evidence: logical appeal (facts), emotional appeal
would cut down on gas and oil prices
Section IV -- Dealing with the Opposition
1st Opposing View: Sanctions are necessary to prevent Iraq from supporting terrorists and
becoming a regional problem again
Strategy for Response: Concede that we want to prevent more conflict and stop terrorism...but we
should lift sanctions gradually, and maintain a military presence in the area (compromise)
2nd Opposing View: Lifting sanctions would make the U.S. look weak
Strategy for Response: It is the humane and fair action to take; also, sanctions contribute to hatred
of the United States and encourage terrorist sentiment (rebuttal)
End with a conclusion that suggests the larger importance of this issue, and why we should care.
Create a final statement that is powerful and memorable.

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