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The University of Rochester Policy: 194
Personnel Policy/ Procedure Page: 1 of 2
Revised: 9/16
Subject: Performance Evaluation
Applies to: All University Staff (individuals who are represented by a collective bargaining unit should
refer to their agreement.)
I. Policy: All University staff will receive a written performance evaluation complemented by an
individual performance evaluation meeting, at least annually. The principal purpose of the
performance evaluation is to provide two-way communication between a supervisor and an
employee about the individual's work performance and to establish goals for the upcoming year.
Performance evaluation also may provide a basis for salary changes, promotions, or other changes.
II. Guidelines:
A. The employee should be offered the opportunity to prepare a self-evaluation prior to the
performance evaluation meeting. The supervisor also prepares an evaluation, and the two
are compared and discussed during the meeting. The meeting should be conducted in
private at a time which allows adequate review without interruption. The employee also
may be requested to obtain (or may obtain on his/her own initiative) feedback on his/her
performance from peers, patients, subordinates, any manager, or customers with whom the
employee routinely interacts.
The employee should be given an opportunity to see and comment on the evaluation. In
those circumstances where there are unresolved differences regarding performance between
the employee and supervisor, the employee should be encouraged to comment in writing on
the evaluation form or in a separate document. If an employee chooses not to sign the
performance evaluation, the supervisor should note this on the form and indicate the date
the performance evaluation meeting was conducted. A copy of the performance evaluation
should be given to the employee.
B. Timing of Performance Evaluation:
1. Nonexempt Staff: For those in nonexempt hourly paid job classifications a formal
written evaluation should be prepared upon successful completion of the
probationary period and as part of the annual wage and salary program thereafter.
2. Professional, Administrative and Supervisory (PAS) Staff (including those
paid hourly): Ongoing feedback should be provided after appointment,
promotion, or transfer to a new assignment with a formal performance review
within the first year of employment and as part of the annual wage and salary
program thereafter.
3. Probationary Staff should be given feedback and/or counseling throughout
their probationary period if not meeting expectations. See Policy 169, III.D.

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