(859) 331-3447 • (800) 964-8205
Complete the form on
the back today!
Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000
and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government
National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency
Credit Report
3029 Dixie Highway
Edgewood, Kentucky 41017
(859) 331-3447 • (800) 964-8205
FAX (859) 578-3642
*FREE credit report analysis available to C&O United
Credit Union members. Offer ends December 31, 2011.
Name ___________________________
Social Security # _________________
Birthdate ________________________
Address _________________________
Phone ___________________________
I authorize C&O United Credit Union to
review my credit report.
Signature ________________________
Please review
my credit report.
Lenders offer the best rates to indi-
viduals who have higher credit scores.
We want to help you get the best rates
and get your finances in shape.
That’s why we are offering a FREE
credit report analysis to all members.
Simply complete this form and return
it to the Credit Union. A Credit Union
representative will call you to make
an appointment and we will review
your credit report with you.