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Dear [Name of appropriate union officer]:
I hereby resign as a member of the ______ (local Name) ______ Education
Association, the Pennsylvania State Education Association and the National
Education Association. Make no more requests for payments of dues to these
My resignation is effective immediately upon its receipt by the union or its agent.
Any further collection or expenditure of dues or fees from me made without the
procedural safeguards required by the First Amendment to the United States
Constitution will violate my civil rights under the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1871,
42 U.S. Code § 1983. The rights I am allowed under the above cited laws
supersede any “resignation window” previously allotted. Furthermore, “union
resignation windows” have been challenged in the Pennsylvania courts and have
been found to be a direct violation of these rights.
If you refuse to accept this letter as both an effective resignation and an
immediately dues check-off revocation, I ask that you promptly inform me, in
writing, of exactly what steps I must take to effectuate my revocation of the dues
check-off authorization.
Finally, please consider this objection to be permanent and continuing in nature.
Sincerely yours,
cc: [Name of person or department responsible for payroll deductions]
Sample Union Resignation Letter
Below is a sample union resignation letter. Send the original to the union; send a copy
to your payroll department, and save a copy for your files.