Senior Interview Sheet
Name: ____________________________ Date: __________
ID: ____________ Parent Present: Yes No
1. Review educational history and graduation requirements
_______ Completed out of the 22 needed for graduation
_______ Review transcript
_______ Rank in class of 20___
_______ CUM/GPA
_______ Senior information sheet given to student
_______ Resume of activities sheet given to student
_______ Recommendation forms given to student
_______ Email address given to student
2. Discuss post high school plans:
a. undecided b. 2- year college c. 4- year college
d. employment e. armed service f. vocational training
3. Career Interest: ________________________________________________________________
4. Colleges Interested in: ___________________________________________________________
5. Have you taken your SAT/ACTs? Yes No
6. Do you understand the requirements of the colleges you are applying to? Yes No
7. Have you downloaded/requested applications to the colleges to which you are applying? Yes No
8. Have you asked teachers to write recommendations? Yes No
9. Do you understand the financial aid process? Yes No
10. All applications and recommendations must be given to me 2 – 3 weeks before the application
deadline. It is your responsibility to adhere to specific application deadlines. ONLY hand in
applications when they are 100% complete. If you need me to write you a recommendation, please ask
me 2 weeks before your application will be mailed out. It is your responsibility to be organized.
11. It is important that you maintain your grades. Colleges will ask for mid-year grades and there
might be a supplemental application. Make sure you stay on top of things. Please discuss your plans
with your family so that we can work together.