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Basic Wedding Ceremony Outline (for Rick Langer)
Greeting and Prayer
We have come together in the presence of God to witness the joining together of
this man and this woman in the bond of marriage. The sacred relationship of
marriage was established by God in creation, and it is commanded in the
Scripture to be held in honor by all people. It is at once one of man’s greatest
blessings and also one of his most awesome responsibilities. Marriage is not to
be entered into lightly, but soberly and deliberately and in reverent fear of God.
[Groom] and [Bride] thank you for joining them and sharing in this very special
Let commit this time to the Lord in prayer.
Giving away
Who is giving this woman to be married to this man?
Parent's Blessing (optional)
A marriage is not only the joining together of two individuals, it is also a joining
together of two families. The care, support, and nurture which have been
extended to [Groom] and [Bride] by their families is as important now as it has
ever been. In fact, it needs to be extended now to include another person. Both
families need to be committed to support both partners in this marriage.
__________ , you are not losing a son but rather you are gaining a daughter. Do
you promise to love and encourage [Bride] as you would your own? If so,
answer,"We will."
__________ , you are not losing a daughter but rather you are gaining a son. Do
you promise to love and encourage [Groom] as you would your own? If so,
answer,"We will."
Scripture Reading, Song, Poem, or Prayer (optional--any of these or none of these
are fine)
Statement of Intention
This statement of intent is optional as the vows are an explicit statement of the
intent and commitment to marry. However, they are commonly used before the
vows as a public declaration. They can be used immediately before the vows or
else earlier in the service, often immediately after the giving away of the bride.

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