This form is to be used as the Standard of Conduct Memo, the Letter of Reprimand, and the Final Warning
Employee Name: _________________________________ Date: ___________________________________
Job Title: _______________________________________
Supervisor: _____________________________________ School: _________________________________
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Standard of Conduct Memo Letter of Reprimand Final Warning
Date of Previous Memo: Date of Previous Memo:
___________________ ___________________
Tardiness/Leaving Early Absenteeism Violation of MCCSC Policies
Sub-standard Work Violation of Safety Rules Other
Comments: __________________________________________________________________________
The purpose of this memo is to make you aware of this situation that has come to my attention:
In the future, I expect you to: __________________________________________________________________
I am confident that you can make the necessary adjustments to meet the expectations of this position. If you have any
questions about my expectations, please see me immediately.
If the unacceptable behavior noted above reoccurs, you could be subject to further disciplinary action up to and including
Within TWO WEEKS staff members NOT in agreement with this report may submit a rebuttal to be attached to the
Employee Warning Notice. A copy of all documentation will be placed in the personnel file.
By signing this form, you confirm that you understand the information in this warning. You also confirm that you and your
manager have discussed the warning and a plan for improvement.
Employee Signature_________________________________ Date_________________________________
Supervisor Signature_________________________________ Date_________________________________
Witness Signature _________________________________ Date_________________________________
(If employee understands warning but refuses to sign)
cc: Personnel File/Human Resources
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Warning