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Duke Blue Doctoral Apparel
Order Form
Order Information:
r Duke Blue gown with black bars and panels (All Doctorals) $ 495.00
r Duke Blue gown with blue bars and panels (PhD’s Only) $ 495.00
r Duke Doctoral Hood $ 140.00
r Black 6 corner soft velvet tam $ 80.00
Outfit Total $ ________________
Shipping (within continental US) $ 10.00
TOTAL $ ________________
(NC Residents please add 7.5% sales tax)
Please complete the following:
Chest Size: ______________ Height: ________________ Weight: ________________
Suit/Dress Size: ______________ Tam Size: ________________ (number of inches around largest part of head)
Degree: ____________________________________________ Year: __________________
Ship to:
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________ State: __________________ Zip: _________________________
Phone: _________________________
Email: ______________________________________________
Email completed form to: or Fax to 919.684.1829
If additional information is needed, please call Patti Silver at 919.684.0060.

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