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July 2008
I/We, _______________________________________________________________________________
(Proposed Purchaser’s full name and address)
hereby wish to make the following offer to purchase the property known as
(address of the purchase property)
on the following terms and conditions;
Purchase Price $______________________
Deposit $______________________ payable on expiration of cooling off period
Settlement Date ____/____/____
Subject to Finance: Yes No (tick one)
Lender (Bank):_____________________________ Amount to be borrowed: $______________________
Interest rate not to exceed: _____% per annum. Term of loan not to exceed: ________Years
(if subject to finance please allow up to 4 weeks from the contract date for unconditional finance approval)
Other Conditions –(e.g. specific items to be included in sale, building inspection, etc.)
I understand this is a letter of offer and not a Contract. This offer is valid until midnight the ____ (Day) of
__________________(Month)______________(Year) and will lapse if not accepted by the Vendor by this
time. Should this be accepted by the Vendor it shall be formalised in a Contract to be prepared by
Adcock Conveyancing Pty Ltd 53 Orsmond Street Hindmarsh SA 5007 (Ph 08 8340 0700 or Fax 08
8340 1180)
Signed : ______________________ Signed : ______________________
(Purchaser) (Purchaser)
Date: ______________________ Date: _______________________
“This is not a contract of sale document. Both the Purchaser and Vendor must sign a contract of sale document
before this offer becomes legally binding. An offer may be withdrawn at any time before signing a contract of sale
document. Contract of sale may also be subject to a 2 day cooling-off period (exercisable by the Purchaser) under
section 5 of the Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994.”

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