Countdown to College Calendar
Freshman (class of 2020)
August September October
Schedule a FREE planning session with an ICAN
Student Success Advisor. Call (877) 272-4692.
Start off on the right foot with your grades.
Freshman grades matter. Colleges look at your
overall GPA through all four years of high school.
Extracurricular activities are a great way to meet
new people and scholarship organizations
consider a student’s involvement in school and
community activities.
Earn scholarship money for classes you take,
activities you are involved in, and events you
attend. Visit Raise.Me, create a free account and
start earning scholarship money from day one of
freshman year.
Ask your parents and other adults what they like
and dislike about their careers. Find out what type
of training or education is required for each job.
Work with your school counselor and select
courses that are recommended for optimum
college preparation. Optimum preparation
includes four years of English, math, science, social
studies, and foreign language; and two years of
Explore different college options and learn about
academics, admissions, major rankings and more.
Visit CollegeRaptor.com and create a free account.
Stay organized by using a planner or download a
planning app.
Develop an activities resume to keep track of your
participation in extracurricular activities. This
will be a great resource when it’s time to fill out
scholarship and college admission applications.
Saving money is the best way to prepare for
the cost of a college education. Check out
Think about what you like to do, what you’re good
at and what you value most. Talk to your counselor
about assessments to help you identify a potential
career. Visit ICANsucceed.org/interests.
Prepare for college with the ICAN e-newsletter;
sign up at ICANsucceed.org/impact.
Talk to your parents about a college savings plan
to help cover college costs.
November December January
Compare college costs throughout the country by
visiting Chegg.com.
Talk to your parents about your plans for the
future. Discuss your personal and academic
strengths and your plan to reach your goals.
Take an assessment test to determine which career
paths best suit you. Visit ACTprofile.org.
Read in your free time to develop a strong
vocabulary, which is an important component in
college entrance exams.
Volunteer in your community. Some scholarships
are awarded based on community service.
How are your computer skills? Become proficient
in common computer applications such as Word,
Excel® and PowerPoint® and learn how to use the
Internet as a research tool.
Is there a college you’ve always dreamed of
attending? Research colleges online and
create a list of what you like most and least about
each school. Visit ICANsucceed.org/colleges.
Become familiar with the types of financial aid
available for college. Financial aid includes grants,
scholarships, work-study, and loans. Grants
and scholarships don’t have to be paid back.
Work-study enables students to earn money by
working on campus. Loans must be repaid. Visit
ICANsucceed.org/payforcollege to learn more.
What subjects do you like in school? ACTprofile.org
is an online program that can help you search for
careers related to those subjects.
February March April
A majority of the fastest-growing jobs require
some type of postsecondary education or training.
Research careers to learn more about your
options. Which jobs are in demand? What type of
education or training is required?
If you’re an athlete hoping to play sports in college,
plan ahead. Find the academic requirements at
Your grades are important, but most colleges
prefer students who challenge themselves with
tougher courses over students who take easier
courses to boost GPAs.
Update your plan with ICAN. Call (877) 272-4692.
Meet with your school counselor to select
your classes for 10th grade. Choose your
courses wisely to stay on track to meet college
admission requirements.
Continue to research jobs related to your interests.
Learn more at ICANsucceed.org/interests.
Make the most of your summer. Search for
summer camps in your area of interest (e.g., sports,
band, drama, or academics). Check with teachers,
counselors, and coaches for recommendations.
Explore the colleges you’re interested in attending.
Do your classes align with the school’s admission
requirements and academic profile? If not, what
GPA do you need to achieve? Which classes should
you take to prepare for college?
Do you have friends or family who are high school
seniors? Talk to them about their plans for next
year. Ask them how they made their decisions and
what was involved in the process.
Attend a game, play, concert or other cultural
experience on a local college campus to get
exposure to the campus environment.
May June July
Check with your school counselor to see if you can
attend a summer camp or program to catch up or
to get ahead academically.
Learn about the world of work through job
shadowing, volunteering, or interning this summer.
Build relationships with teachers, counselors,
coaches, and community members. Some could
write letters of recommendation when it’s time to
submit scholarship and/or college applications.
Start a summer reading list.
Will you be attending summer camp on a college
campus? If so, while you’re there, think about
whether you’d like to attend the school.
Update your Raise.Me account to earn additional
scholarship dollars.
Talk to your family members, friends, teachers,
school counselors, and coaches about their
college experiences.
Review your career assessment results and make
a list of colleges you’re interested in researching
based on your results.
Visit ICANsucceed.org/colleges.
This summer, participate in hobbies and activities
related to your career interests.
Don’t be afraid to alter your career goals as you
learn more about yourself and the world of work,
but remember to keep your goals attainable.
Your Future, Expertly Planned.
Presented By
©2010-2016 Iowa College Access Network® | ICAN is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization funded through donations, grants and partnerships. Iowa College Access Network® (ICAN) does not endorse the
product, service or advice of any outside institution or entity. Students should consider many options in pursuing higher education and find the right fit for their life situation and career aspiration.
Visit www.ICANsucceed.org or call (877) 272-4692 to schedule an appointment to create a plan for college and career, as well as financial aid.