C:\Users\christianj\Downloads\INTERNSHIP WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT.doc
DIRECTIONS: Make as many copies of this form as needed. Send, scan or fax one copy to the Internship
Coordinator at the end of each work week. Sign Section 4 and have your supervisor sign Section 5.
1. Report # _____ Intern Name (print) ______________________________________
Name of Employing Business or Organization: ________________________________________
Name of Employing Dept: ___________________________ Week Work Period _____to_____
Date Date
2. Describe the functions, tasks, responsibilities, etc. of your work this past week that are relevant
both to your internship program and your career objectives. Be specific, but brief. Use the
other side if more space is needed. (Please type or print legibly.)
3. Time Log
4. Intern’s Signature _______________________________________________________________
5. Supervisor’s Comments:
Supervisor’s Signature ________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________
Mail to: Internship Coordinator or FAX to: 608.342.1965
University of Wisconsin–Platteville
1 University Plaza – 209 Ullrich Hall
Platteville, WI 53818
Total Hrs. this
Responsible Work Assignments
Conferences (Identify with whom)