School of Community & Regional Planning
433-6333 Memorial Road
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
Tel: 604-822-4422
Fax: 604-822-3787
SCARP Research Progress Report - PROJECT
This official document is for the student's SCARP file. It may be used for awards consideration, letters of reference and other
academic and professional purposes.
(Please type)
Entry year
(month & year):
Leave of Absence
(# of months):
SECTION A: (To be completed by the student)
Write a narrative on your progress to date on your professional project (Plan 547C) and include the following:
Research Topic:
Major Literature Reviewed - Bibliography (Primary & Secondary):
Professionals & Other Experts/Potential Respondents Contacted:
Milestones (in comment section please add any additional information on your project progress)
Date Milestone Comments
Project Proposal approved & submitted
Preliminary Research & Literature Review Completed
Project completed, Goals & Objectives
Submission of Draft Report to Project Supervisor
& Second Reader for feedback & revisions
Submission of Revised Report to Project Supervisor
and Second Reader
Approval of Final Report by Project Supervisor &
Second Reader
Submission of Project Booking Form & Final Signed
Reports to SCARP office (seven days before
presentation date)
Expected month/year of project presentation
Expected time of graduation (Spring or Fall)
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