HTML Preview Employee Training Checklist page number 1.

This form is to be completed by the supervisor.
Employee Name:_____________________ Job Title:____________________
Supervisor Name:____________________ Job Title:____________________
Under the Injury and Illness Prevention Program, supervisors are responsible for
training employees in safe work procedures and for documenting this training. Training
can occur on an individual or group, formal or informal basis. The supervisor and
employee should review this form upon hire, when given a new assignment and when
new hazards become evident.
Please check below all that have been reviewed:
Location of Department Safety Binder:
Location of Department Safety Binder (maintained by Dept. Safety Coordinator)
The binder should have the following:
University Policy on Environmental Health & Safety
Injury & Illness Prevention Program
Campus Emergency Operations Plan
Department Emergency Operations Plan (Department-specific)
General occupational hazards in the work area and procedures/hazards specific
to the individual's job.
Ergonomics and computer use
Back safety (lifting procedures, bending, pushing/pulling, posture)
Accident & Injury Reporting Procedures
Hazard Reporting Procedures
Electrical Safety/extension cords, heaters, etc.
Location and use of fire extinguishers
Emergency procedures (evacuation route, emergency assembly points,
notification procedures, first aid supplies, etc.)
Fire hazards (no combustibles near exits/doors, hallway bulletin board policy, no
storage in exit aisles or corridors, etc.)

Long–range planning works best in the short term. | Doug Evelyn