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Examples of SMART Goals
SMART= Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound
1. 80% of students in grades 3-8 will show growth based on their math or English/Language Arts index
value on the annual PARCC assessment.
2. Each day during the school year, the in-seat attendance for our students will be 94% or higher.
3. 42% of the third and fourth grade students currently rely on finger-counting or the use of
manipulatives to solve basic number facts. By May, 2016, 70% of students will be able to solve
addition facts up to 10 (by memory), without using manipulatives, tally marks, or their fingers.
Progress will be measured through bimonthly assessments throughout the year.
4. By May 1st, 70% of the students in grades 3- 8 will demonstrate growth of 20% or higher from the
first ANet assessment through the fourth assessment in both ELA and Math. Progress will be
monitored by the Academic Leadership Team after each assessment through data analysis of the
5. Within the four years of their 9
grade entry date, increase by 15% the number of seniors that
complete high school with a traditional diploma by June 2016 as measured by the U.S. Dept. of
Education’s Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate.
6. 100% of 9th graders not passing two or more classes and not on track to graduate with their peers
will demonstrate growth by increasing the number of classes they are passing by at least one class
by June 2016.
7. By June 2016, 100% of Advanced Placement (AP) Biology students will demonstrate growth in
designing and describing experiments and analyzing data and sources of error by improving at least
one rank level from the AP Exam pre-assessment given in the fall, to the official AP Biology exam
given in the spring.
8. The percentage of all students with disabilities scoring on level 4 on the math PARCC assessment will
increase by at least 10% as compared to the 2014-15 PARCC math assessment.
9. Grade 6-8 English Learners will grow at least 2.0 levels in their composite score on the spring 2016
ACCESS and at least 1.5 levels in each domain.
10. During the second semester, reduce student referrals to the office for “disrespect” by 30%.

You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take | Wayne Gretzky