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Ministry of Defence
Holmens Kanal 42 CVR-nr. (Comp. Reg. No.) 25-77-56-35 Email: [email protected]
1060 Copenhagen K Tel. +45 3392 3320 - Fax +45 3332 0655 Internet:
Copenhagen, 7 December 2004
Consolidated implementation basis for
“Danish Defence Agreement 2005 – 2009”
1. Introduction.
“Danish Defence Agreement 2005 – 2009”, which was concluded on 10 June 2004,
ensures that Danish Defence is strengthened in two central areas: 1) Internationally
deployable military capacities and 2) The ability to counter acts of terrorism and their
The general structure of Danish Defence has been reorganised, rationalised and
streamlined, the object of the reorganisation being to obtain an approx. 60 percent
operational structure from the previous approx. 60 percent support structure and approx. 40
percent operational structure.
As a result, the operational structure of Danish Defence increases the immediate military
readiness for Total Defence, and Danish Defence is now capable of deploying capacities
corresponding to approx. 2,000 personnel in international operations. Similarly, the focus
of the Home Guard has been targeted towards Total Defence.
The agreement will primarily have consequences for:
Implementation expenses related to the transformation of the structure of Danish
Capacity acquisitions in the form of equipment investments.
Operational costs related to operating equipment allocated primarily for
maintenance of the training and activity levels for Danish Defence operational
capacity, including funds for increased equipment operation.
Adjustment of the man-year composition, including an increase in the number of
military personnel and a reduction in civilian personnel.
Structural adjustments in the form of centralisation in both the staff and support
structure and the operational structure, including disposal of surplus estate.
Provision of additional operational capacity.
In relation to the final defence agreement, consolidation has made it necessary to make
separate adjustments within a number of areas:

The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat. | Lilly Tomlin