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2. Other documented expenses such as telephone, fax charges and EMAIL will be allowed provided
they are incurred for University business. Items of a personal nature, such as personal flight insurance,
personal liability insurance, alcoholic beverages and personal telephone calls are not reimbursable.
1. In the "Cost" column claim only the hotel room cost and any applicable taxes.
2. Business charges for telephone and hospitality are to be claimed in the appropriate column.
1. Claim for registration fees must include either the (cancelled cheque, credit card slip or receipt from
the conference). As well, a copy of the registration form, itinerary, or a copy of the first page of the
program must be submitted as well to validate claim for registration fee.
2. FOAPs and $ amounts must be completed.
1. Complete Expenditure Logs for each currency. Indicate country, foreign currency, and exchange rate
on the Expenditure Log. The exchange rate to be used is the claimant's actual cost of obtaining foreign
funds and must be supported by appropriate documentation (i.e. Credit card statement, exchange
certificate etc.)
If you have any questions when completing this Expense Report and Expenditure Log, please call Jo Ann Webb or
Laurie McBride at 5162 for clarification since incomplete claims will delay your reimbursement. Examples of
completed Expense Reports and Expenditure Logs are available at Financial Services, Accounts Payable window.
6. When making inquires to Financial Services regarding your claim, provide the date of Depart / Event as reported
on the Expense Report.
Saint Mary's University
Financial Services
Expense Reporting
Instructions for completing the Expense Report and Expenditure Log.
1. Fill in personal information on summary sheet first before completing or printing any other sheets.
4. GST/HST should be completed if the amount of GST or HST is listed clearly on the receipts. For
Provinces that have GST and PST, only include the GST amount. If there is no GST/HST shown on the
receipt, then do not enter anything in the "GST/HST actual' Column.
5. In the "Cost" column, please indicate the total cost. (Cost = Price plus GST/HST and/or any other
applicable tax).
3. Identify in which Province the expenditure took place (i.e. accommodations in Ontario - "ON").
August 2007
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A meeting is an event at which the minutes are kept and the hours are lost. | Unknown