Application Form- PharmD for Pharmacists
U of T # (if applicable): _______________
Previous (Maiden) surname (if used on academic records):____________________________
Given Name(s):_______________________________________________________________
Preferred Name (if different than given name) : _____________________________________
Date of Birth:______________________________ Gender: ___________________________
Apt. #:__________________ City:________________________________________________
Province:________________ Country:______________ Postal Code:___________________
Telephone #: ______________________
E-Mail Address:_______________________________________________________________
No email address
Give one permanent email address ONLY, this will be the main form of communication.
If no email address box is checked, we will use telephone number for all communication.
Country of Citizenship:_________________________________________________________
Status in Canada (if not a Canadian Citizen) : Permanent Resident Student Visa
Other_______________________________ Date of Entry into Canada:________________
No status in Canada
First Language:_______________________________________________________________
Put undergraduate pharmacy in position 1, then reverse chronology for all other degrees
currently enrolled in, previously enrolled in, or previously received.
CURRENT PHARMACY LICENSURE(S). Please list all current license(s)
Province/ state/ country*
*Not all countries require licensure. If this is your case, please put the country’s name you
are currently practicing in