HTML Preview Transfer Note page number 1.

Example of a Waste Transfer Note
Description of the waste
Description of the waste being
Mixed waste
<This must align with the EWC code >
European Waste Catalogue Code
(EWC) <Must be included>
17 09 04
How is the waste contained Loose
Skip Drum Other please describe:
How much waste (e.g. number of sacks, drums weight) 8 yard skip
<Identify the correct container size with adequate description>
Transferor – current holder of the waste
Name Mr. Builder
Address 123 Building Street
Postcode OO12 34TT Telephone 01000 000 000
Signature <To be signed upon collection>
Transferee – person collecting the waste
Name Mr. Waste Skip
Address 123 Waste Road
Postcode AA12 34BB Telephone 01000 000 000
Signature <To be signed upon collection>
Which of the following is the transferee – (please tick appropriate box)
Local Authority <To be added>
Licence or permit number EA WML 803123 Holder of a waste management
licence or permit
Issued by Environment Agency
Exempt from waste management
licence or permit
Reason: (exemption number)
Registered waste carrier Registration number ACE/103593
Exempt from requirement to register
Reason: <Waste contractor should hold this
<All licence details can be checked via Environment Agency website and by asking the waste
contractor, but both the carrier licence and waste management licence must be included in the
Address of place of transfer / collection point
Date of
<insert correct date> Time of transfer <insert correct time>
Name and address of broker who arranged the transfer (if applicable)
<Broker details if using one>

Speak the truth, but leave immediately after. | Unknown