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2013/14 Business Plan Second Quarterly Exception Report
Governing Body meeting
5 December 2013
and title
Tim Furness, Director of Business Planning and Partnerships
Sponsor Tim Furness, Director of Business Planning and Partnerships
Key messages
The Governing Body approved the content of the 2013/14 Business Plan in July and
delegated oversight of delivery to the Planning and Delivery Group, requesting exception
reporting from that Group to the Governing Body.
The Planning and Delivery Group has considered the second quarter’s report on progress
in detail. The attached note summarises those areas where progress was reported as
being at risk, with the Group’s response and remedial action to be taken.
Assurance Framework (AF)
4.1 Ineffective commissioning practices
How does this paper provide assurance to the Governing Body that the risk is being
addressed? It assures the Governing Body that there are mechanisms in place to
oversee delivery of our strategies and to take remedial action where necessary.
Is this an existing or additional control?
Updates existing control
Equality/Diversity Impact
Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? NO – not applicable.
Which of the 9 Protected Characteristics does it have an impact on? All
Public and Patient Engagement
There has been no PPE on this, which is primarily a management and governance
process to oversee progress in delivering the Commissioning Intentions.
That the Governing Body notes the attached exception report

Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid | Einstein