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Trademark License Agreement
THIS TRADEMARK LICENSE AGREEMENT (“the Agreement”), effective on the latest
signature date on this Agreement, is by and between XBRL International, Inc., with principal
offices c/o American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 1211 Avenue of the Americas,
New York, NY 10036-8775 (“Licensor"), and ______________________________________,
with principal offices at
Licensee acknowledges that Licensor is the owner of the Mark XBRL EXTENSIBLE
BUSINESS REPORTING LANGUAGE & DESIGN (the “XBRL logo”) and now desires to
license from Licensor the right to use the XBRL Logo, identified in
Schedule A attached hereto,
for use in connection with products and services that implement the XBRL specifications,
taxonomies, and schema, and Licensor desires to grant such license.
Terms and Conditions
1. License. Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a limited, worldwide, non-exclusive, non-
transferable, license to use the XBRL Logo attached hereto on Schedule A on or in connection
with Licensee’s product or service offerings for so long as the product or service offerings
remain compliant with all XBRL Specifications with which compliance is claimed, and subject
to the provisions in Sections 2 and 5 of this Agreement. Licensee also may use the XBRL Logo
to identify Licensee’s membership in XBRL International; provided, however, that such use does
not falsely convey that any product or service offerings implement the XBRL specifications,
taxonomies, or schema.
2. Quality Standards and Maintenance. Exercise of quality control over the use of the
XBRL Logo is critical to XBRL International’s mission. Licensee agrees to comply with all
reasonable polices, procedures, and quality standards, and all product and service offerings must
at all times comply with those portions of the Specifications established by the Licensor with
which it claims to comply OK, as they may be amended from time to time at the discretion of the
Licensor. Failure of the Licensee or any product or service offering to comply and conform to
the foregoing shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement. If the product or service
offerings fail to comply with the specific Specification advertised by Licensee as being
implemented, use of the XBRL Logo on or in connection with the product or service offerings
shall constitute a breach of this Agreement. Licensor will rely upon Licensee’s quality control
procedures in relation to Licensee’s use of the XBRL Logo, which procedures shall be consistent
with industry standard norms. From time to time, or upon request, Licensee will provide
Licensor, or its duly authorized representative, without cost to Licensor, samples of marketing
collateral distributed by Licensee, as well as a declaration that the quality of the product or
service offerings bearing the XBRL Logo is consistent with industry standard norms. If,
following its own internal review due process, Licensor objects to the use of the XBRL Logo on
any such materials, Licensor shall provide its objections in writing to Licensee. If these
objections have not been addressed by Licensee to Licensor’s satisfaction within 60 days of

Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you’ll have to ram them down people’s throats. | Howard Aiken