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Form No: RY 024 CotC Event Presentation Template
Date: 08/05
For the Stewards meetings - put together a written presentation which has the
headings –
Event statistics (Number of stages, length, touring information, number of
sections, amount of tarmac and gravel, location and number
of service areas, start and finish times, number of
competitors, MSNZ seeded entries, what championship or
series are being contested, makes of vehicles)
Venue (Where the event is going, general overview of facilities)
Event control (How the competition is being controlled, where HQ is, who is
staffing, details of competitor tracking in place., details of
timing crews, details of sweeper, Safety (what you have in
place for safety, details of safety car group, details of block
and spectator marshals – number and training provided,
response procedure, medical facilities)
Communications (What sort of communications are used between stage starts
& finishes and Rally HQ, major officials etc)
Results (How does your system work, where are they to be posted)
(How is the system to work, where, procedure for selecting
vehicles to be audited)
Media (What facilities are provided, who is attending, are you
running an accreditation system, security for media working
Promotion (how your event has been promoted, what forms of media
have been used, how many media releases have been done,
details of TV coverage, distribution of results to media post
GENERAL Basically it is an opportunity to show off your organisation and
the event you are promoting. You will find that simply
preparing to do this is an interesting exercise; it is a good
reality check and can ensure that you get a bit of a lift just
before the event by taking time out to really consider what you
and your team have achieved.
The presentation is usually about four pages long. We
recommend that you bind it and provide copies to the
Stewards – it raises the profile of your event.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world. | Mahatma Gandhi