Local Church
Event/Program Planner
Events are now coordinated within each department. In coordinating your event, gathering or meeting
please be sure that you have made appropriate provision for the relevant areas listed below.
Before Planning Your Event
Approval of Event
Has your event been approved?
Has your budget for the event been approved?
Calendar Coordination
Does your date coordinate with the church
Are there any other major events that same week?
Have you thought about an alternative date?
Planning Your Event
What areas of marketing will be needed?
• Bulletin, Inserts
• Pulpit Announcements, Power Points
• Flyers, Brochures
• Registration Table, Sign Ups
• Table talkers
• Advertisements
• Phone/SMS/Email
• Reminders the day before
Who will be responsible for what?
Have the appropriate people been contacted?
How many volunteers will be needed?
How will they be recruited?
Will any training be required?
Who will do the training?
When will the training occur?
How will they be thanked?
Will there need to be P.A. for the event?
Will there need to be audio recording?
Will there need to be video taping?
Will there need to be power point?
Who will be doing these things?
Will there be worship or music needed?
Who will be playing or leading?
When will they meet for practice?
Will other people need to be present for the
Ushers/Greeters/Parking Attendants
Will service attendants be needed for this event?
When should they be on duty?
Who will be overseeing them?
Will any food be needed?
Who will supply the food?
Who will be serving the food?
What supplies will be needed for serving?
What supplies will be needed for this event?
Have they been ordered well in advance?
Have all expenditures been approved?
Child Care
Will child care be needed for the event?
Where will the child care take place?
Who will be doing the child care?
Will they be paid for child care?
How will they be paid?
Are decorations needed for this event?
Who will be supplying them?
Who will be doing the decorating?
Who will undo the decorations?
Should decorations be stored for future use?
Open Up/Lock Up
Who will be opening up for the event?
Who will be locking up for the event?
Set Up/Tear Down/Clean Up
Who will be setting up for the event?
Who will be cleaning up after the event?
When will these functions take place?