Since 2001, the Administration:
• Pro vided record n umbers and v olumes of Go v er nment-guar anteed small-b usiness loans
($105 billion through 2006) and impro v ed customer ser vice , while reducing the per-unit cost
of loans from $3,418 in 2001 to $461 in 2006;
• Pro vided $13.7 billion of direct disaster loans to o v er 290,000 b usinesses , homeo wners , and
renters through 2006;
• Deliv ered tax relief a v er aging $3,641 to 25 million small b usinesses in 2006; and
• Off ered tr ade promotion ser vices that help small b usinesses star t e xpor ting their products to
destinations around the w or ld.
The President’ s 2008 Budg et:
• Pro vides $28 billion in Go v er nment-bac k ed small b usiness loans f or 2008;
• Helps small b usinesses get needed capital b y eliminating the upfront borro w er f ee under the
Section 504 Cer tified De v elopment Compan y prog r am;
• Proposes to mak e the Microloan prog r am self-financing; and
• Contin ues oper ational impro v ements to acceler ate the deliv er y of disaster loans , including
deplo yment of an Inter net-based application process f or small b usiness .