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Northwest Arkansas Professional Center
Inclement Weather Policy
In the event of weather which might pose a safety hazard for students, faculty, or staff, the campus can
be closed for the day and/or evening. Additionally, a Saturday class could be cancelled or delayed. When
there is a closing or delay, the official source for information will come from the director in consultation
with the COE Dean’s Office (Dr. Donny Lee - Dean and Dr. Clara Carroll - Associate Dean). Information
will be shared via the television station 40/29 (www.4029tv.comWeather Resources, Closings) in
Rogers and Fort Smith; the HU website and Pipeline through IS&T (Keith Cronk and/or Mike Chalenburg);
the HUNWAPC Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts (@HUNWAPC); and via email. The director
will email each instructor, and it is the responsibility of the instructor to contact his or her students via
When there is inclement weather Monday through Friday, there are a number of combinations of closing
and delays that could occur.
The building may be delayed in opening.
The building may be closed for the day and opened for evening classes.
The building may be closed for the day and closed for evening classes.
The building may be open for the day and closed for evening classes.
If there is a delay in opening, the decision will be made by 6:00 am of the day. If the building will be
closed for the day, the decision will be made by 6:00 am of the day. A determination for evening classes
will be made by 2:00 pm on the day of the class. Students will need to watch for delays and closings for
both the building in the day and for evening classes.
When there is inclement weather on Saturday, there are a few combinations of closings and delays that
could occur.
The building may be delayed in opening.
The building may be closed for the day.
If there is a delay in opening or closing, every effort will be made to make the decision by 5:00 pm the
Friday before class. In the event of a delayed opening on a Saturday, students who still have difficulty
commuting to the campus safely for classes will be given an excused absence on the day. Students are
required to contact the instructor for make-up work.
Safety is our primary concern. Every effort will be made to keep students, instructors, and staff safe while
maintaining an exemplary program. We ask our students and instructors to watch all forms of
communication on inclement weather days. While the HUNWAPC will watch what Bentonville and Rogers
School Districts are doing for inclement weather, our policies will not always follow exactly what these
school districts have determined due to melting or decisions made prior to weather occurring.
Meredith Jones, Director
901 S. 52nd Street
Rogers, AR 72758
o: 479.268.5813
c: 501.628.1037
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Once you free yourself from the need for perfect acceptance, it’s a lot easier to launch work that matters. | Seth Godin