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Positive Corrective Action
Policy Number: 501 Policy Number: 501
Effective Date: 11/01/2002 Effective Date: 04/01/94
PAGE: 1 of 4
It is the policy of Wesley Woods Senior Living, Inc., to use a continuous quality improvement method
of preventing and identifying performance problems and in initiating timely and appropriate action
to improve job performance. As stated in Policy 103, Wesley Woods supports creating a positive
employment relations environment and encourages supervisors and employees to verbally discuss
matters related to the job for clarity. When necessary, the Positive Corrective Action Policy and
process is to be used to reinforce verbal discussions.
The positive corrective action policy is designed to be constructive, corrective and to promote
employee success. It gives the employee the information necessary to understand what aspect of
his/her work performance, attendance and/or conduct is unacceptable, identifies the improvements
that are expected and provides the opportunity for the employee to demonstrate the expected
improvement. The goal is to improve the performance, attendance and/or conduct of an employee
and to assist him/her in taking ownership of his/her performance, attendance, and/or conduct.
It is the responsibility of leadership to ensure that employees adhere to the Standards of Conduct,
Communication Guidelines and the application of Wesley Woods Senior Living, Inc., policies and
procedures with respect to corrective discipline within their departments.
Corrective disciplinary action by a supervisor should be used to correct or improve unacceptable
work performance, attendance and/or conduct; to prevent recurrence of unacceptable performance,
attendance and/or conduct; to provide an opportunity for employee growth; and to protect the
interest of Wesley Woods Senior Living, Inc. All communications with employees regarding
disciplinary matters should clearly identify the issues of concern and should be clear and positive.
Discipline should be timely, consistent and not administered in haste or anger.
The following should be considered prior to taking disciplinary action:
Identify and record the facts,
The overall history of performance, attendance and/or conduct in the job and length of
The nature, severity and effects of the unacceptable performance, attendance and/or
Review and consider previous disciplinary actions,
Determine appropriate action based on available information.
Any discussions with an employee concerning disciplines should be conducted in a place and manner
that respects the privacy of the employee.

Surviving a failure gives you more self–confidence. Failures are great learning tools… but they must be kept to a minimum. | Jeffrey Immelt