Daily Menu Planner
Breakfast Did you get*:
Grain ___________________________6 ounces of grains (3 ounces whole grains)
Vegetable ___________________________2½ cups of vegetables
Fruit ___________________________2 cups of fruits
Protein ___________________________5½ ounces of protein
Dairy ___________________________3 cups of dairy
Snack Did you have one or more Vitamin C foods:
Grain ___________________________apricots chili peppers pineapple
Vegetable ___________________________avocados collards plantain
Fruit bell peppers grapefruit potato
blackberries greens spinach
Lunch broccoli honeydew melon strawberries
Grain ___________________________brussel sprouts kiwi tangerine
Vegetable ___________________________cabbage mango tomato
Fruit ___________________________cantaloupe orange watermelon
Protein ___________________________cauliflower papaya
Dairy ___________________________
Snack Did you have a Vitamin A food:
Grain ___________________________apricots chili peppers – hot pumpkin
Vegetable ___________________________broccoli greens romaine-lettuce
Fruit ___________________________bok choy kale, collards spinach
cantaloupe leaf lettuce winter squash
carrots mango
Dinner Did you get20-35 grams of fiber today:
Grain ___________________________ ____servings of whole grains x 3g/serving = _______ g
Vegetable ___________________________ ____servings of vegetables x 3g/serving = _______ g
Fruit ___________________________ ____servings of fruit x 3g/serving = _______ g
Protein ___________________________ ____servings of beans x 8g/serving = _______ g
Dairy ___________________________
Other foods ___________________________ ____servings of bran cereal x 8g/serving = _______ g
TOTAL FIBER = ______ g
Grain ___________________________
Vegetable ___________________________*Based on a 2000 calorie food plan. To find out how many
Fruit ___________________________calories you need each day, visit ChooseMyPlate.gov
Material funded by USDA SNAP. USDA is an equal opportunity provider. SNAP provides food assistance to people with
low income. For information, call 1-888-369-4777