New Employee Checklist
Employee Name: (First, Last, Middle Initial)
Check off each item after discussion between new employee and supervisor. Sign when completed and provide a copy to the
employee and retain the original in the Department File.
Section I: Preparing for Your New Employee’s Arrival
Create the new employee’s first impression while confirming (s)he made the right decision.
□ Departmental announcement (Optional: Welcome sign/ welcome gift)
□ Establish telephone, computer access, email accounts, ID badge request via the
Lotus Notes Online
Access Request
□ Workspace preparation
□ Update phone lists, department directories, databases, organizational charts
□ Provide critical first-day information (e.g. where to report, report time, contact numbers, where to park, etc.)
Plan for Next Phase – First Day
□ Prepare itinerary for first week, schedule appointments with key personnel
Section II: Welcoming Your New Employee: The First Day
Welcome the new employee and provide them with the information to get started.
Review What’s Occurred:
□ Confirm all administrative requirements have been completed.
□ Welcome to the workplace – Introduction to staff & tour of workplace
□ Assignment of a co-worker ‘buddy’
□ Ergonomic Assessment of Workstation
□ Key and/or access card issuance, Building Security Overview
□ Give time for the new employee to set-up work area
□ Secure additional items needed by the new employee
□ Have co-worker ‘buddy’ go to lunch with the new employee
□ Review itinerary for first week
□ The Position Description
□ Customer Service Standards
□ Code of Conduct
□ Discuss Performance Expectations (work quality & quantity requirements)
□ Assignments and timelines
□ Probationary Period
(midpoint evaluation & final evaluation)
□ Parking & Transportation Services
□ Performance Appraisals
□ Rate of pay, salary range, shift differential, overtime, on-call, call back (as applicable) Pay periods, Bi-Weekly
Payroll Calendar, KRONOS
□ Hours of work, schedule, break/lunch policies, holiday, attendance standards, dress code
UC Davis Health System Onboarding: New Employee Checklist