HTML Preview New Employee Health Checklist Sample page number 1.

New Employee Checklist
Employee Name: (First, Last, Middle Initial)
Employee Number
Hire Date
Department Name
Job Title
Check off each item after discussion between new employee and supervisor. Sign when completed and provide a copy to the
employee and retain the original in the Department File.
Section I: Preparing for Your New Employee’s Arrival
Create the new employee’s first impression while confirming (s)he made the right decision.
Departmental announcement (Optional: Welcome sign/ welcome gift)
Establish telephone, computer access, email accounts, ID badge request via the
Lotus Notes Online
Access Request
Workspace preparation
Update phone lists, department directories, databases, organizational charts
Provide critical first-day information (e.g. where to report, report time, contact numbers, where to park, etc.)
Plan for Next Phase First Day
Prepare itinerary for first week, schedule appointments with key personnel
Section II: Welcoming Your New Employee: The First Day
Welcome the new employee and provide them with the information to get started.
Review What’s Occurred:
Confirm all administrative requirements have been completed.
Welcome to the workplace Introduction to staff & tour of workplace
Assignment of a co-worker ‘buddy’
Ergonomic Assessment of Workstation
Key and/or access card issuance, Building Security Overview
Give time for the new employee to set-up work area
Secure additional items needed by the new employee
Have co-worker ‘buddy’ go to lunch with the new employee
Review itinerary for first week
The Position Description
Customer Service Standards
Code of Conduct
Discuss Performance Expectations (work quality & quantity requirements)
Assignments and timelines
Probationary Period
(midpoint evaluation & final evaluation)
Parking & Transportation Services
Performance Appraisals
Rate of pay, salary range, shift differential, overtime, on-call, call back (as applicable) Pay periods, Bi-Weekly
Payroll Calendar, KRONOS
Hours of work, schedule, break/lunch policies, holiday, attendance standards, dress code
UC Davis Health System Onboarding: New Employee Checklist

Speak the truth, but leave immediately after. | Unknown