Sample Letter for Scholarship Requests to Foundations and Companies
[Contact Name]
[Contact Title]
[Company Name]
[Contact Address]
[City, State ZIP Country]
Dear [Name],
On behalf of [your organisation’s name], I am reaching out to you regarding a request for
financial assistance in order to attend the WINGSForum 2014 conference in Istanbul, Turkey
from March 27
– 29
, 2014. The event, entitled “The Power of Networks: Building Connected
Global Philanthropy” is organised by Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS)
every four years and is a unique opportunity for those involved in the support and promotion of
grantmakers to meet and to learn from one another. It will serve the professional development
of the staff and board members of grantmaker associations and related organisations, and will
address the issues and challenges that face us in developing and sustaining our own
organisations. Additional information regarding the agenda, confirmed speakers, and
networking events can be found on the conference website at www.wingsforum.org.
In this next section, we suggest you add in some additional information regarding your specific
situation/organisation. Some thought-starters could be:
• Illustrate that, as a participant in WINGSForum, you will be able to develop skills and
acquire tools which will directly benefit your own organisation and therefore,
grantmakers in your area.
• Expand on your experiences, successes, and goals in your area, and how WINGSForum
will help you to better serve your area and your community.
• Communicate that this event will be an opportunity for your organisation to share
experiences and to showcase some of your important work.
In order to make our participation in to a reality, we are asking for your help. The cost of my
attendance is as follows: