1. Make sure the student is safe and receiving medical attention if necessary.
2. Contact the Host University or your in-country contact about the incident.
3. Gather information about the incident.
4. Contact the TAMIU Police Department at 001-956-326-2911. (UPD is available 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week)
Faculty Member Making Report:
Responding Host Institution/ In-country Coordinator:
Current location/status of student(s) involved in the incident:
Name of individual currently with the student(s) if not the faculty member:
Relationship of this individual to the study abroad program:
Contact information for this individual:
Location (include city and country):
Date of Incident: Time: Place to Contact:
____ Injury (specify): ________________
____ Stalking
____ Drug/Alcohol Overdose
____ Infectious Disease
____ Physical Assault/Mugging
____ Mental Health Crisis
____ Other: _________________________
Details of Incident: On a separate paper, describe what happened. Limit your observations to facts. Be sure to include witnesses,
emergency personnel contacted, who helped with the situation, anyone else affected by the incident, student
Be sure to maintain written record of the incident and the steps taken to address it. If the issue is being handled by several people,
please include who is responsible for what.
___ During the course of my program no incidents were reported to me.
_________________________________________ _____________