How would you like to gain a whole
new set of business skills — skills
that can increase your value as a
leader in your organization? This
certicate is ideal for individuals who
are being held accountable for the
productivity and performance of a
sales team. The Sales Management
Certicate Program from the
Sullivan University School of
Business will help you gain
these coveted skills quickly.
With the Sales Management
Certicate Program, you’ll gain
access to the blended resources of
Dale Carnegie Training
and Sullivan
University, organizations driven by
the pursuit of practical knowledge
and professional achievement.
The world-class Dale Carnegie
courses allow you to strengthen your
leadership skills in a powerful live
classroom environment in cities all
across the United States and around
the world. The Sullivan component
oers you the convenience of online
learning to broaden your essential
sales management competencies.
Find out more at
sullivan.edu/dc/certicates .
in Sales
Short-Term Commitment.
Long-Time Rewards.
Master the skills you need to lead and manage an energized
and eective sales team.
Gain Next Level Sales Leadership Skills…Powered by
Dale Carnegie Training
and Sullivan University!
• Interprethowgreat(ornot)yousalessta’s
• Demonstratehowtoremovebarriersandriskssothe
• Establishmeaningfulgoalstoensure
• Learnhowtodeliversustainableresults
• Developamotivatingpersonalvision
The Courses you’ll take Earn
Dale Carnegie Training
DCA302 LeadershipTraining
forManagers 4credits
DCA303 TheSalesAdvantage 4credits
Sullivan University courses
MGT304 PrinciplesofManagement 4credits
MKT215 PrinciplesofSales
Presentations 4credits
MGT475 SpecializedCaseStudies 4credits