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How would you like to gain a whole
new set of business skills — skills
that can increase your value as a
leader in your organization? This
certicate is ideal for individuals who
are being held accountable for the
productivity and performance of a
sales team. The Sales Management
Certicate Program from the
Sullivan University School of
Business will help you gain
these coveted skills quickly.
With the Sales Management
Certicate Program, you’ll gain
access to the blended resources of
Dale Carnegie Training
and Sullivan
University, organizations driven by
the pursuit of practical knowledge
and professional achievement.
The world-class Dale Carnegie
courses allow you to strengthen your
leadership skills in a powerful live
classroom environment in cities all
across the United States and around
the world. The Sullivan component
oers you the convenience of online
learning to broaden your essential
sales management competencies.
Find out more atcates .
in Sales
Short-Term Commitment.
Long-Time Rewards.
Master the skills you need to lead and manage an energized
and eective sales team.
Gain Next Level Sales Leadership Skills…Powered by
Dale Carnegie Training
and Sullivan University!catescatescates
• Interprethowgreat(ornot)yousalessta’s
• Demonstratehowtoremovebarriersandriskssothe
• Establishmeaningfulgoalstoensure
• Learnhowtodeliversustainableresults
• Developamotivatingpersonalvision
The Courses you’ll take Earn
Dale Carnegie Training
DCA302 LeadershipTraining
forManagers 4credits
DCA303 TheSalesAdvantage 4credits
Sullivan University courses
MGT304 PrinciplesofManagement 4credits
MKT215 PrinciplesofSales
Presentations 4credits
MGT475 SpecializedCaseStudies 4credits

Ideas in secret die. They need light and air or they starve to death. | Seth Godin