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Air Access Office, Airport Directorate, St Helena Government, Island of St Helena, South Atlantic Ocean, STHL 1ZZ
Telephone: +(290) 2477 E-mail: [email protected]
Your Excellency and Honourable Members,
Request for Amendment to the Development Consent Granted for the Airport Project
in respect of Ruperts Wharf, the Sea Rescue Facility and Ruperts Pipeline
I refer to Section 8 of the Airport Development Ordinance.
Governor-in-Council granted Development Consent for the Airport Project in September
2008. The Consent was based upon reference designs; it was accepted that the reference
designs could be subject to variation as part of the Design, Build and Operate (DBO)
Contract with Basil Read.
Ruperts Wharf was included under the DBO Contract as a provisional item, pending
detailed design and costings. Detailed design work has now taken place and, as a result, it
is recommended that the Wharf be relocated from the middle of Ruperts Bay (as shown in
the reference design) to the south-west of the Bay. This in turn has implications for the
location of the Sea Rescue Facility and Ruperts Pipeline; the designs for these
components of the Airport Project have been amended accordingly.
Governor-in-Council is therefore requested to amend the Development Consent granted
previously to reflect the revised designs for Ruperts Wharf, the Sea Rescue Facility and
Ruperts Pipeline. To aid Members consideration of the matter, I enclose:
1. A development application in respect of the above. Please note that whilst we
have completed the standard application form, this is not a new application but a
request to amend designs that had previously been granted approval.
HE the Governor
Hon. Cyril George
Hon. Lawson Henry
Hon. Ian Rummery
Hon. Christine Scipio-O’Dean
Chief Secretary
Financial Secretary
Ag. Attorney General
Deputy Chief Secretary
Ref: AA 2/52/10/1
Date: 14/10/2013

Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right! | Henry Ford