University Research Committee – Minutes 27 August 2014 Page 1 of 5
University Research Committee
Minutes of meeting 03/14 of the University Research Committee held on 27
August 2014 in the Research Services Office Presentation Room 20.109.
Prof J Raper (Chair)
Prof J Beck
A/Prof B Bunt
A/Prof L Dawson
Prof C Gibson
A/Prof R Gordon
A/Prof P Innis
Prof K Kautz
Prof R Lewis
Prof V Mackie
Prof T Marchant
Ms S Martin
Prof T Okely
Prof W Price
Prof W Vialle
Ms J Evans
A1 Welcome and Apologies
The Chair welcomed Prof W Vialle, new Chair of Academic Senate, to her first
URC Meeting.
Apologies were received Prof N Dixon, Ms E Eastland, Ms S Flint, Prof B Garner,
Prof P Perez, Prof R Roberts and A/Prof R Gordon representing was
representing Prof K Eagar.
A2 Arrangement of the Agenda
Agenda items A4, B2, B3, and B4 were starred for discussion.
A3 Business from the Last Meeting
A3.1 Minutes of the Previous Meeting (02/14)
Resolved (07/14)
That the minutes of the University Research Committee meeting held on 16 July
2014 (02/14) be confirmed as a true record.
Action: J Evans