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Wedding Reception Guidelines & Contract 2017 October 2015
Thank you for selecting Hernder Estate Wines (HEW). Our Wedding Consultant (Angel Fusarelli) will be delighted to
help choose your special menu. Menu selections are requested about three months prior to your wedding. We do not
allow choice dinners but will accommodate vegetarians and dietary restrictions. Due to licensing restrictions and
insurance issues, all food and alcohol must be provided by HEW. The removal of any food or beverage from the
premises is prohibited.
Tax and Service Charge: All menu prices include HST and a 15% Service Charge.
Guarantee and Payment:
A deposit of $2,500.00 is required for all weddings to confirm reservation. A guaranteed number of adult and child
guests with full payment must be received the Monday prior to your wedding. Should you not be able to make payment
on the Monday, a certified cheque is required by Wednesday at noon. Should your wedding fall prior to a long weekend,
full payment is required 10 days before your wedding at your final meeting. In order to receive reimbursement for
cancelled guests we must be notified by Wednesday at noon the week of your wedding. There is no reimbursement for
guests that dont show or a cancelled wedding.
Payment methods are cash/cheque only, Please note: we DO NOT accept credit cards!
Room Charge & DJ plus HST will be determined if final guaranteed adult (19+) numbers are not met. Please refer to
wedding package minimums on the second page of your wedding package for pricing. Please note that there are
usually two functions going on at the same time; one in the Alexis Room (minimum 90 adults) and the other in the
Victoria Room (minimum 160 adults). Guests only share the parking lots.
Security Policy:
HEW will not be responsible for the damage or loss of equipment or merchandise stored or displayed on its property
prior to, during or following your wedding. Willful damages to the Winery or its property that are incurred during a
function, shall be considered to be the responsibility of the contractee, and damages will be billed to the function.
Bar Requirements:
Hernder Estate Wines (HEW), as a Licensee, is responsible for the administration and service of alcoholic beverages in
accordance with AGCO laws. If alcoholic beverages are to be served on HEW premises, HEW will require that
beverages be dispensed only by HEW bartenders and/or staff that are smart served certified. The Alcohol Consumption
Policy must be signed the Monday before the event where alcoholic beverages will be served.
Wedding Cake:
Wedding cakes may be brought in. When delivered, HEW will have a table ready with linen for you. HEW is not
responsible for the cake, and will not touch or move the cake prior to the reception (left over or saved cake, cake plates
and pillars are your responsibility to take home). Only homemade sweets are permitted to be put out at late night. They
must be trayed and marked with wedding date and names. Hernder is not responsible for these items. We urge you to
have someone double check to make sure it all has been put out.
Decorations: Tables are covered with a linen cloth and a colored napkin of your choice. Chair covers are also included
(bows not included). No confetti or open flame of any kind NEW AS OF 2017, these items will be removed without
permission if we find any. Battery operated candles is our suggestion should you want that look.
Rehearsals are certainly not a problem but you will have to be clear it with Angel to ensure another party/function isn’t
on the property. Inside rehearsals have to be done during business hours (unless you book with the wedding co-
ordinator), outdoor can be anytime even though the winery is closed.
Should you wish to schedule the Wedding Co-ordinator for the rehearsal, please make arrangements with Angel to
make sure she is available. Her fee is $50 and is due that night in cash.
Smoking is allowed anywhere outdoors except on the patios as of January 2015

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. – | Carlos Castaneda