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This document sets out the strategic direction of the Human Resources (HR) Department for the
next five years. The aim of the Plan is to ensure that we remain focussed on delivering
professional and enabling HR services that are aligned to the strategic priorities as outlined in the
University’s Strategic Plan 2015-2020.
There are exciting and challenging times ahead and this plan recognises that our employees are
fundamental to the University achieving its ambitions therefore the importance of their
engagement, motivation, leadership, development and reward.
The HR Department undertook a significant restructuring exercise in late 2014 with the aim of
transforming the HR services we provide to ensure they are aligned to business needs. From
November 2015 the HR Service has also assumed lead responsibility for Equality and Diversity,
with initiatives including Athena Swan, which are important in the delivery of the University’s
Strategic Plan.
We continue to embed and develop our service delivery model in supporting the University in
achieving its strategic priorities by providing a business-oriented and client-facing service through
our HR Partnering, Specialist Services, Employment Services and Staff Development sections.
A key factor for this plan is the OneSource HR and Payroll Project which will see the
implementation of new software and business processes that will transform our transactional
activities and how managers and employees engage with us.
The HR Strategic Plan sets out our people management aims, goals and objectives to assist the
University in achieving its strategic aims. They are all designed to be challenging and measurable
in order that we can operate successfully in a highly competitive global environment and assess
how we are performing during the 5 year period.
Translating strategy into practice
The HR Strategic Plan will be underpinned by a detailed implementation plan, the HR Operational
Plan, which sets out clear actions, timescales, responsibility and measures for success. The
successful implementation of both the Strategic and Operational Plan will be monitored by the HR
Management Team and Senior Management Team.
Purpose, Vision and Mission
The HR Strategic Plan has been derived from the University’s Strategic Plan 2015-2020. It is
informed by the many challenges facing the HE sector and sets out a progressive and ambitious
people agenda designed to augment the University’s global standing.
The University’s Strategic Plan sets out our vision as transforming the world with greater
knowledge and learning’.

Long–range planning works best in the short term. | Doug Evelyn