August 7, 2015
David Schumacher, Director
Office of Financial Management
P.O. Box 43113
Olympia, WA 98504-3113
RE: Section 601 – Fund Transfers (Second Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1299)
Dear Mr. Schumacher:
Section 601 of Second Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1299 authorizes the Director of
Financial Management to approve allocation adjustments for highway projects funded
with Transportation 2003 Account (Nickel) and/or Transportation Partnership Account
(TPA) appropriations.
Consistent with the process established by the Office of Financial Management, the
department is submitting the necessary documentation for review and approval of these
requests. The following proposed adjustment addresses cash flow issues that would
otherwise prevent the delivery of this project.
additional funding
Bridge - Replace Bridge
Additional funds are
needed in the current
biennium to support
the contractor’s most
recent schedule.
Included in this request is a list of “Donor” projects that provide the offset to these