HTML Preview Sunday School Registration Certificate page number 1.

St. Angela Merici Parish
Sunday School
A special time for children to pray, sing, share and learn about Jesus and His love for us!
September 20, 2015 thru April 24, 2016
during the 9:30 a.m. Mass
the 1
, 3
, and 4
Sundays of each month.
(Sunday School will not be held the 2
Sunday of the month.
This will allow families to attend our parish Family Mass together.)
_____ Age 3 ______ Age 4 _____ Children in Kindergarten
Child's Name _________________________________________Date of Birth ___________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________
Phone ________________________Family Email _________________________________________
Parent's Name: Mother ___________________________ Father ____________________________
A $20 fee will cover weekly handouts and crafts for the entire year.
Please make checks payable to St. Angela Merici Parish and return with this registration form.
Parent volunteers are also needed. Please consider helping out!
_____ I can assist as a parent helper 1 Sunday a month in the classroom.
_____ I can assist with preparing a craft twice a month and special party days.
_____ I am interested in being the classroom teacher.
__________________________________________________ phone number for contact
_________________________________________________________ e mail for contact
(All volunteers must be in compliance with Diocesan requirements VIRTUS Certification.)
As parent or legal guardian of _______________________________________________________, I do hereby
grant permission for my child to participate in the St. Angela Merici Sunday School Program. In consideration of
my child’s participation, I agree to release, absolve and hold harmless St. Angela Merici Parish, the Sunday
School program, and any and all supervisors, employees, organizers, sponsors or volunteers associated with
that program, the Bishop of Cleveland, and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland from all claims, judgments
and liability for any injury, medical fees, hospital bills or doctor bills of the above named child, incurred as a
result of participation in this activity.
Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________________________________Date___________
Please return this registration form to the Parish Center by September 5, 2015.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Carolyn McCluskey, Sunday School
Coordinator at 440/823-5036 or the Religious Education Office at 440/333-2133.

Get busy living or get busy dying. | from the “The Shawshank Redemption”