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International Food Safety Forum
Kyiv, November 30, 2011
09:30 10:00 Opening Remarks
Moderator: Rufat Alimardanov, Country Manager for Ukraine, Belarus, IFC
Martin Raiser, World Bank Director for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova
Guy Ellena, Director, IFC Investment Services
Leander Treppel, Head of the External Economic Program, Federal Ministry of Finance of
10:00 11:30 Section 1. Food Safety Strategy: a Path to Growth
Moderator: Jesper Kjaer, Senior Manager, IFC Eastern Europe and Central Asia Department
Olaf de Boer, Procurement & Merchandising Director Food, METRO Cash & Carry Ukraine:
“Metro’s Food Safety Strategy: Key to Growth”
Yves Rey, Corporate Quality General Manager, Danone, France:
“Managing Food Safety Worldwide”
Elena Kosyuk, Director, Department of Technology and Quality Control, Myronivsky
Hliboproduct, Ukraine: “Food Safety in Priority”
Prof. Chris Griffith, Editor of the British Food Journal, Technical Director of Von Holy
Consulting, Emeritus Professor University of Wales, UK: “Food Safety Strategy: a Path to
11:30 12:00 Coffee Break
3M movie on food safety and consumers decision
12:00 13:00 Section 2. Food Safety Leadership: Building Trust with Consumers
Moderator: Patrick Luternauer, Manager, Sustainable Business Advisory, IFC Eastern Europe and
Central Asia Department
Marc Cwikowski, Senior Manager, Food Safety, Global Quality & Product Integrity, the Coca-
Cola Company, Belgium: “Food Safety and Brand Protection. A Global Manufacturer’s
Jason McGrath, Vice-President, StrategyOne, USA: “Building Consumer Trust and Confidence”
Тatiana Zaikina, Production Director, Agrofusion Group, Ukraine: "Food Safety and Concern for
Consumers within the whole Production Chain
13:00 14:30 Lunch

The absolute fundamental aim is to make money out of satisfying customers. | John Egan