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Annual Meeting Minutes
Friends of the Refuge
September 24, 2016
I. Prior to the formal business meeting, there was an opportunity to visit the
Dennis Unit and the VegBACC (Vegetated Buffer Areas for
Conservation and Commerce) restoration site, and to witness damage to
the site from the floods of the last fall and winter. A continental breakfast
was available for the members. Ginny Maffitt played background music
on the violin. A slideshow of photographs of the refuge and events from
the past year were on display. Items from the Wildlife Center Store,
passes to the Columbia Sportswear Employees’ Store, and bottles of wine
donated by local vintners were raffled off to members.
II. The meeting was called to order by President, Keith Mays, at 9:45 AM.
Tom Hartz, substituting for the Secretary, confirmed that a quorum was
president. Minutes of the 2015 Annual Meeting were read and approved.
III. Keith offered thanks to the Friends for their support during a challenging
year. He called attention to the trailer and tools donated by the Friends to
the refuge. The trailer will be wrapped with photographs submitted by the
Photo Society. Each of the attending members then introduced them self
and described their engagement with the Friends and the Refuge.
IV. The following Board Members, whose terms were expiring, were elected
to serve an additional term: Keith Mays, Cheryl Hart, and Bonnie
V. Volunteer Service Awards The following members were added to the
Volunteer Service Award: Pam Farris, John Gendron and Tobyn Bower,
Kristine Al-Rashidi, and Willem Stoeller.
VI. Keith Mays was honored by both the Friends of the Refuge and USFWS
for his service as President of the Friends for the past year.
VII. The business meeting was adjourned at 10:20 AM. It was followed by a
presentation by Erin Holmes, Refuge Project Manager, reviewing the
challenges and successes of the past year.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Hartz, for Sharon Miller

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. | Dwight Eisenhower