University of Calcutta
Travel Grant
University of Calcutta encourages the members of its faculty, staff, scholars and
students to increase their academic interaction within the country and across
the globe. In order to facilitate such activities, particularly to have positive and
active academic exposure and establish or improve the professional networking
among peers through academic events such as conferences, seminars etc., the
University may offer some funds in the form of travel grants.
Who can apply?
• Members of faculty
• Administrative and technical staff
• Research Scholars
• Research students (post graduate)
For what purpose Travel Grant may be availed?
• Delivering key-note addresses/plenary lectures
• Oral presentation of a paper
• Poster presentation of a paper
• Chair a session
• Participate in International Collaboration Exchange Programs
Symposia/talks/invited lectures
- in National or International Conferences/Seminars/Workshops/Symposia
What may be covered under the grant?
- Travelling cost (for international travel, air fare, airport tax; for domestic travel,
train fare), local travel costs, registration fees, stationeries for preparing
presentation materials, daily allowance/accommodation as per University rules.
How to apply?
• Collect the travel grant application kit from one of the following sources:
Academic Departments, DPO (or UGC) section at 3
floor Darbhanga building
of College Street campus, CU website. The kit contains the required application
• Fill up Part A of the application form.
• Enclose the necessary documents and complete the check list given in Part B
of the application form.
• Submit both Part A and Part B to DPO (or UGC) section
Travel Grant Committee, C.U.
Please note that due to limitation of funds, a travel grant committee scrutinizes all the
applications and decides whether a grant may be given or not on a case –by-case basis.
Factors such as fund situation, supporting documents, past record of availing such
grants etc. generally may influence the decision. Normally, if fund permits a maximum
of Rs. 50,000.00 and Rs. 10,000.00 may be provided for international and domestic
travels respectively.