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Volunteer Driver Program
Volunteer Driver Job Description
Driver Job Description Page 1 of 2
Duties and Responsibilities
- Provide rides for clients to healthcare appointments.
- Coordinate all trips through the FCSS Transportation Coordinator.
- Be punctual and dependable in picking up the client at the scheduled time.
- Keep the FCSS Transportation Coordinator informed regarding your availability
- Provide Transportation Coordinator with as much notice as possible when cancelling a trip
- Maintain confidentiality regarding client information.
- Regular vehicle maintenance to ensure safety of clients - seat belts must be available.
- Provide annual updates on vehicle insurance policy and registration.
- Immediately report incidences, accidents or concerns to the FCSS Transportation Coordinator.
- Inform the FCSS Transportation Coordinator of any changes in address or phone number.
- Read the FCSS Driver Handbook and become familiar with program policies and procedures
Time Requirement
There is no minimum time requirement, however volunteers are asked to keep the FCSS Transportation
Coordinator updated of their availability.
Skills and Qualifications
1. Valid driver’s license and safe driving record with a maximum of 3 demerit points.
2. A minimum of one million dollar liability insurance and current vehicle registration.
3. Access to a vehicle that is roadworthy, reliable and suitable for client’s needs.
4. No health conditions that may impair ability to drive safely (vision, hearing, perception,
reflexes, certain medications, etc.).
5. Understand the limitations experienced by some seniors, such as mobility and
hearing/vision loss.
The position of Volunteer Driver requires a rigorous level of screening that corresponds to the risk
associated with volunteers who work unsupervised and transport passengers in their own vehicles.
Volunteers will provide and/or complete:
- Application
- Interview
- Reference check
- Police Security Clearance Check (including vulnerable persons sector)
- Driver’s Abstract (to be updated annually- cost reimbursed)
- Proof of One Million Dollar Liability Insurance and current registration

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