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Policy 2.111
Business Expense Receipts
Responsible Official: Vice President for Finance/Chief Finance Officer
Administering Division/Department: Payment Services
Effective Date: February 14, 2013
Last Revision: June 19, 2013
Policy Sections:
Policy DetailsIII.
Related LinksIV.
Revision HistoryV.
The purpose of this document is to describe approved forms of receipts.
The policy applies to faculty, staff and students making business-related purchases with personal funds or an Emory
credit card and seeking reimbursement or payment from Emory University funds, regardless of the funding source.
Policy Details
It is the responsibility of the faculty, staff or student to obtain receipts. Once documentation is scanned and uploaded
to an Expense Report, the electronic scanned documentation should be retained until the expense report is
paid/reimbursed. There is no requirement that receipts be stored once the report has been paid.
If any documentation supporting an expense report is not uploaded to Compass, for example documents containing
participant names, that documentation must be retained.
All sponsoring agency requirements must be met outside of Emory requirements. Faculty and staff should ensure that
sponsor receipt requirements are being met.
Receipt Requirements:
Acceptable receipts must contain the following: transaction date, name of merchant, item purchased or service
provided, amount, form of payment and indication that the amount was paid by the person requesting reimbursement.
When personal funds are used, each separate expense and receipt must be listed individually on the expense report
with the merchant name, date and proper receipt attached. No bundling or totaling of individual expenses into one
lump sum.
Expense Type Visa Corp Card Personal Card or Cash
Meal - Business/Group
If less than $75, no receipt. If
$75 or greater, itemized receipt
Under $25, summary receipt. $25 and
greater, summary and itemized receipt
Meal - Individual
If less than $75, no receipt. If
$75 or greater, itemized receipt
Under $25, summary receipt. $25 and
greater, summary and itemized receipt

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