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14 BIATEC, Volume X, 8/2002
Businesses operating in market conditions can have posi-
tive or negative results. The reason for failure can be the as-
sertion of short-term goals to the detriment of long-term,
emphasising short-term performance and profit, regardless
of market development, meaning thereby the non-existence
of a marketing plan. A quality marketing plan is the basic
prerequisite for efficient marketing, ensuring the integration
of all marketing activities and assisting in the creation of fa-
vourable conditions for succeeding in the marketplace.
The need for effective planning in services has long be-
en clear. In 1975 Chisnal
pointed to the growth of the ser-
vices sector and emphasised that it is necessary to devote
greater attention to measuring inputs and outputs, as well
as an evaluation of the efficiency of resources. He under-
lined the significance of certain
marketing methods for improving
the firm, as well as marketing rese-
arch, strategic planning and marke-
ting management. At the same time
he mentioned that in services an un-
willingness to develop or construc-
tive and market oriented approach
towards a marketing plan is com-
defines the marketing
plan as a written declaration identi-
fying target markets, specifying the
marketing objectives by individual
products, grouping earnings and
profits according to strategic busi-
ness units, containing scheduling
and budget elements of the marke-
ting mix, which together create the
marketing programme.
The planning process in general
includes three steps: a) a situation
analysis (where are we, where are we headed), b) objecti-
ves setting (where are we and where do we want to be) and
c) the specification of marketing activities (the allocation
of marketing resources for achieving set objectives). An
important element is also the identification of market op-
portunity according to new markets and according to new
The marketing plan is the component of the business
plan. The yearly plan concerns marketing objectives and
strategies for a product, product range, development of the
bank for one year, while the long-term marketing plan
concerns a period of two to five years.
The creation of the marketing plan is understated as
a strategic process, where this is based on information and
activities. The result is the marketing plan, which is reali-
sed and monitored in connection with the results achieved.
Step no. 1: Situation Analysis
In order to assess where the bank is at present, detailed
information concerning both the past state, as well as pre-
sent state is necessary. Costs, revenues and profits achie-
ved are analysed over time for the longer-term period. It is
best to compare the development of our own bank with the
most influential competitor. It is also suitable to analyse
the development of comparable products with those of the
competition. An analysis of the results achieved is perfor-
med for the bank as a whole, or also according to indivi-
dual market segments (for example by age group). A de-
tailed analysis of the results achieved helps in setting
Ing. Eleonóra Veresová, PhD.
Všeobecná úverová banka, Trebišov branch
P. Chisnall: Marketing planning in a service economy, Long Range
Planning, Dec. 1975, pgs. 43 – 52.
Berkowitz, Kerin, Rudelius: Marketing, IRWIN, Homewood, Boston
1989, pg. 46.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Setting out
target segments
Step 3:
The marketing
The Strategic Marketing Process, Actions and Information
of the marketing
Control of the
results achieved
Past, cur-
rent and fu-
ture revenu-
es, expenses
and profits
for the bank
as a whole
and for in-
For the whole
and by individu-
al segment:
– growth of the
industry branch
– markets for re-
venue and profit
Description and
scheduling of
product actions,
pricing, promo-
tion, location
of teams
Control of re-
sults measuring
and the effecti-
veness of mar-
keting activities,
reports on devi-
ations, their eva-
luation and their
rectification for
further develop-
Corrective actions Corrective actions Corrective actions
Berkowitz, detto, page 524.

Long–range planning works best in the short term. | Doug Evelyn