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Kittitas Valley Wind Power Project EFSEC Application Section 2.12 Construction And Operation Activities
January 12, 2003 Page 1
WAC 463-42-235 Proposal – Construction and operation activities. The applicant shall: Provide the
proposed construction schedule, identify the major milestones, and describe activity levels versus time in
terms of craft and noncraft employment; and describe the proposed operational employment levels.
2.12.1 Introduction
The construction of the Kittitas Valley Wind Power Project will be performed in several stages and will
include the following main elements and activities:
Grading of the field construction office area (also used for O&M building);
Construction of site roads, turn-around areas and crane pads at each wind turbine location;
Construction of the turbine tower foundations and transformer pads;
Installation of the electrical collection system – underground and some overhead lines;
Assembly and erection of the wind turbines;
Construction and installation of the substation;
Plant commissioning and energization.
The Applicant intends to enter into two primary agreements for the construction of the Project: including
an agreement for the supply, erection and commissioning of the wind turbines as well as an Engineering,
Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract for the construction of the balance of plant (BOP) which
includes all other Project facilities and infrastructure such as the roads, electrical collection system,
substation, O&M Facility, etc. The turbine supplier and the EPC Contractor will be selected during the
EFSEC Application review process.
The construction schedules discussed below are based on obtaining a site certificate from Washington
EFSEC by October 1, 2003.
The construction schedule will closely follow the construction methodologies discussed in Section 2.14,
‘Construction Methodology’.
2.12.2 Proposed Construction Schedule, Activities and Milestones
This section describes the engineering, procurement, construction, and start-up schedule milestones for
the Project. For wind power projects, the longest lead-time items are typically the substation
transformers, usually requiring from 8-12 months from time of order to delivery and the wind turbines,
generally requiring from 5 to 7 months. These long lead time items will be ordered as soon as possible
immediately following obtaining site certification from EFSEC.
The proposed Project construction schedule summary showing the major tasks and key milestones is
included below in Table 2.12.2-1. Also shown in Table 2.12.2-1 is the number of expected on-site
personnel to perform each of the key tasks. It is expected that Project construction will occur over a
period of approximately 1 year from the time of site certification to commercial operation and will require
the involvement of more than 250 personnel.

To succeed… You need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you. | Tony Dorsett