Sample Letter for Appointment
Dear Professor :
I would appreciate your help in evaluating who is currently being reviewed
for appointment as .
Appointment in the University of California is based upon research, teaching, and university and community
service. I am primarily concerned with your evaluation of the candidate's research accomplishments and
future potential, although you should feel free to comment on the other areas as well. How does
compare with others in (his/her) field who have comparable experience? Would
(he/she) merit the rank of in your department if (his/her) research interests were
appropriate to your departmental goals?
In order to facilitate evaluation I am enclosing a copy of 's curriculum vita and copies
of (his/her) selected (reprints/slides/publications).
Under University of California policy, the identity of authors of letters of evaluation which are
included in the personnel review files will be held in confidence. A candidate may request access to
your letter in redacted form after he/she accepts an offer of appointment at UCSC. Redaction is
defined as the removal of identifying information (including name, title, institutional affiliation, and
relationship to the candidate) contained either at the top of the letterhead or within and below the
signature block of the letter of evaluation.
The full text of the body of your letter will therefore be provided to the candidate if so requested.
Thus, if you provide any information that tends to identify you in the body of the letter, that
information will become available to the candidate. If you wish, you may provide a brief factual
statement regarding your relationship to the candidate at the end of your letter but below the
signature block. This brief statement will not be made available to the candidate.
Although we cannot guarantee that at some future time a court or government agency will not
require the disclosure of the source of confidential evaluations in University of California personnel
files, we can assure you that the University will endeavor to protect the identity of authors of letters
of evaluation to the fullest extent allowable under the law.*
I would very much appreciate receiving your evaluation at your earliest convenience. I thank you in advance
for your aid in this matter.
* Bolded paragraphs must be included in all solicitation letters.