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eXclusive e-JOURNAL
ISSN 1339-4509
Online Marketing Campaign Proposal for the
SmartWings Company
Ing. Lukáš Tůma
Travel Service, a.s.
K letišti 1068/30, 161 00 Praha 6-Ruzyně, Czech Republic
Ing. Eva Endrizalová, Ph.D.
Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Transportation Sciences
Department of Air Transport
Horská 3, 128 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic
© eXclusive e-JOURNAL
Various online marketing tools are put into practice by major companies and are also gaining importance
among the marketing strategies that are nowadays being used by airlines. This document provides a brief
analysis of airline online strategies provides correct approaches that the air carrier should take in order
to become competent online and outlines an optimized online strategy for the Czech low-cost airline
Key words Airline marketing, online marketing, SmartWings, online campaign setup
For a long time one of the characteristics of the commercial aviation sector was its strict regulatory
frame. The regulations applied to this sector can be distinguished into two different domains: to a safety
regulation and to a commercial regulation. As the sector started to evolve the commercial regulation was
dominant, on the other hand the regulatory frame regarding the safety was insignificant. The strict
commercial rules provided only a minimal space for any airline product marketing.
Since the start of the liberalization packages first in the US, afterwards also in Europe, major changes
regarding the commercial regulating policies have occurred allowing the sector to liberalize
and to provide space for the first airline marketing tactics.
Nowadays for aviation in general very strict safety regulatory frame is typical, on the other however the
sector can be characterized as the one that is opened to any marketing experiments. In fact the
commercial aviation overall seems to be one of the top business fields where marketing ideas are
continuously being enhanced and taken to the next level.

To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted. | George Kneller