E m plo y e e I n c i d e n t R e p or t
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Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) Names:
Date of Alleged Incident:
Location of Alleged Incident:
Check all that apply:
Discourteous conduct involving a student by an employee:
[ ] Using inappropriate language
[ ] Making inappropriate comments of a nonsexual manner
[ ] Calling names insulting or humiliating a child
[ ] Shouting or cursing
[ ] Rude, boisterous play that adversely affect production, discipline, or morale of a student
[ ] Use of abusive, demeaning, degrading, or insulting language
[ ] Quarreling or inciting a quarrel
[ ] Other:
Describe in Student’s/Staff’s Own Words His/Her Account Of Event(s):
Full Name(s) of Potential Witness(es):
Full Name of Alleged Offender:
[ ] BIE Contractor/Consultant
Full Name and Title of Mandatory Reporter:
Signature (Required): Date:
Full Name of School Principal/Administrator or Designee:
Signature (Required): Date:
Has Mandatory Reporter Requested Protection of His or Her Identity? [ ] YES [ ] NO
Initials of Mandatory Reporter: