Generic Event Marketing Checklist
By Raleigh Inbound Marketing
One Month Prior to Event
Write up Information about the Event.
Written authorized information to be posted on website.
Event to be noted in regular monthly Newsletter
Decide on custom Hashtag for Twitter
Set up Landing Page with web-to-lead form
Create video
Set up a Facebook and G+ Event
Set up an Event on website calendar
Set up an Eventbrite or Constant Contact event
Write blog article about event.
Write up press release.
Design personal invitations to be mailed. Mail 3-4 weeks prior.
Design posters for offices for patients to see in the waiting area.
Two Weeks Prior to Event
Post another blog article about upcoming event
Post link to blog article on Facebook event
Post event on LinkedIn Business Page
Twitter: schedule tweets about event to go out every 4 days
Write up and send an eblast
For more Event Marketing Consulting, contact http://RaleighInboundMarketing.co/