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Puppy Sales Contract
Steven C Rogers
Tel:! 01229 585147
Section 1: Dog’s details.
Breed Information: Spaniel (English Springer)
Sire: …………………………………. Dam: ……………………………………..
Pup’s Date of Birth: ……………………….. Colour: ……………….. Sex M/F:
Kennel Club Details
Registered Name: …………………………. Registration Number: …………………………..
This is to confirm that the sale of the dog described above (“the dog”) has taken place
Section 2: Details of both Parties.
Breeder: Steven C Rogers.
Telephone: 01229 585147
Purchaser’s Name: …………………………………… Date of Sale: …………………..
Telephone Number: ……………………………….
E-mail address: ……………………………………
Section 3: Health & Welfare
The Breeder has taken every care with breeding, rearing and the welfare of the dog. The
dog is believed to be in good health and is sold in good faith. The Breeder makes no
warranty however, as to the health and disposition of the dog.

Speak the truth, but leave immediately after. | Unknown